Supercharge your
AR workflow today.
TechCollect's personalized AI workflow is proven to boost profits by over 10 percent while cutting labor costs – and it's all embedded directly into your HOA software.
Where AI meets AR.
TechCollect automates the receivables process by adding machine learning and closed AI to your existing HOA software. Resolve collections issues quickly, automatically, and without friction.

Don’t see your software listed here? No need to worry: our API functionality works across multiple platforms so you can still benefit with TechCollect. Schedule time with us to see how it will work for you.
Plug In
Our AI extension works on top of your existing software to generate unique collection reports and AI-based communication plans to identify the “one best way” to recover each debt. It then automates the communication process through recovery, ensuring HOAs and COAs can recover debt while keeping community relations strong.
Press Play
Once TechCollect is in place, simply let it run and resolve your accounts receivables without increasing manager workload. Our tool is an extension of your existing management software, resulting in a “zero labor” debt resolution that brings margin to the bottom line.

You decide what to charge, and we add those fees to our workflow, returning them to you with each payment. We support your fee structure, templates, payment plans, and preferred communication methods. By reducing labor and increasing revenue, your management company can increase profit by 10% or more.

Start your free trial today.
We believe so much in the power of our solution that we’re willing to give it away for free – at least for a little while. Our free trial provides full access to TechCollect for up to ten communities, so you can experience firsthand the transformative power of generative AI into your AR.
Try it, see the revenue it brings, and keep the revenue after the trial – even if you don’t move forward with us. What do you have to lose, other than the hassle of collecting debts?